MMCRL - Instructions for Sample Transport

Maratha Mandal's Central Research Laboratory - Instructions for Sample Transport

Instructions for Sample Transport (Antimicrobial assay/Anti cancer assay/Anti inflammatory activity)

1. Please send the compounds equivalent to 10 mg(For single activity). If your study includes more than one activity then send more quantity (Minimum 20 mg).

2. Weigh the compound with sterile precautions and transfer to a sterile container.

3. Seal the tubes/vials to avoid leakage and label appropriately.

4. Keep a list of the compounds with their codes and solvents property details (DMSO, aqueous or any other solvent).

5. Sterile vials may be sent from our labs on request for additional cost.

6. Mention the activity and concentration details along with each batch of compounds.

7. Please mention contact number and email id with every batch of compounds.

8. Pack all the materials in a proper box/container to avoid damage to vials during transportation.

9. Send the samples preferably by ' DTDC or Blue Dart courier '. Please do not send the parcel by ' Professional couriers '.

10. Please note that every test compound will be subjected to sterility checking before taking up for the specific assay.

11. Compound found to be contaminated with extraneous microbes will be rejected and fresh sterile compound will have to be sent again.

    Instructions for Sample Transport (For PCR studies)

    1. Tris-EDTA buffer (TE buffer) has been provided as transport media in sterile vials.

    2. The vials containing transport media can be stored in refrigerator (4℃) for around one month. Discard the vials if TE buffer gets turbid.

    3. Collect the appropriate clinical material with the help of scaler, curette or paper points.

    4. Transfer immediately to the TE buffer vials and close the lid.

    5. If sample is collected with paper points, use sterile endodontic paper points with maximum absorption capacity.

    6. Keep paper point in the pocket for 20-30 seconds so that maximum material could be absorbed. Use 2-4 paper points per pocket.

    7. Transfer all paper points from each site into one transport vial only.

    8. In case of saliva collect unstimulated saliva from the floor of the mouth with syringe without needle and transfer 0.5 to 1 ml to the TE buffer vial provided.

    9. You can store the collected samples in a refrigerator (4℃) for maximum 2 days after which you need to send the vials to laboratory.

    10. There should be short codes and neat labeling on the collected sample vials. Do not write patient name or any lengthy codes on the vials.

    11. Cover the labeling with transparent cello tape so that it should not get erased while in transportation or during laboratory decontamination process.

    12. Seal the caps of the vials properly with sealing tape/parafilm to avoid leakage.

    13. On a small piece of paper mention the number of samples being sent, their codes, your contact number and email id with every batch of samples.

    14. Pack all the materials in a proper box/container to avoid damage to vials during transportation.

    15. Send the samples preferably by ' DTDC or Blue Dart courier '. Please do not send the parcel by ' Professional couriers '.

    Instructions for Sample Transport (For Microbial Assay)

    1. Reduced Transport Fluid (RTF) has been provided in sterile vials.

    2. Store the vials at room temperature away from dust and light.

    3. Vials can be stored for 4-6 weeks undisturbed without loss of viability.

    4. Collect the appropriate clinical material with the help of scaler, curette or paper points.

    5. Transfer immediately to the RTF vials and close the lid.

    6. Collect the material with sterile precautions taking care not to contaminate the sample with surrounding tissue or saliva.

    7. If sample is collected with paper points, use sterile endodontic paper points with maximum absorption capacity.

    8. Keep paper point in the pocket for 20-30 seconds so that maximum material could be absorbed. Use 2-4 paper points per pocket.

    9. Transfer all paper points from each site into one transport vial only.

    10. In case of saliva collect unstimulated saliva from the floor of the mouth with syringe without needle and transfer 0.5 to 1 ml to the RTF vial provided.

    11. Keep the vials with samples at room temperature till transported.

    12. It is advisable to transport the vials on the same day of collection to the laboratory.

    13. Seal the RTF vials so that they do not leak. Label them appropriately and transport at room temperature in a proper container.

    14. Keep a slip with patient details and code numbers if any.

    15. Take precautions to see that the sample reaches the laboratory within 48-72 hours.

    16. Send the samples preferably by ' DTDC or Blue Dart courier '. Please do not send the parcel by ' Professional couriers'.

    17. Please note that every test compound will be subjected to sterility checking before taking up for the specific assay.

    18. Compound found to be contaminated with extraneous microbes will be rejected and fresh sterile compound will have to be sent again.

    Instructions for Sample Transport (For ELISA studies)

    Sample collection
    -For Blood
             Collect blood samples in plain vacutainers and allow it to stand for 10 minutes. Centrifuge the vacutainers for 5 minutes at 5000 RPM. Collect serum samples in separate Epperdorf tubes.

    -For Saliva
             Collect unstimulated saliva in 15 ml sterile falkan tubes. Centrifuge the tubes for 10 minutes at 5000 RPM. Collect the supernatant in separate Eppendorf tubes .

    -For Tissue samples
             Kreb’s buffer has been provided as transport media in sterile vials.

    -For GCF
             Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) has been provided as transport media in sterile vials.

    1. The vials containing transport media can be stored in refrigerator (4℃) for around one month.

    2. Collect the appropriate clinical material with the help of scaler, curette or paper points.

    3. Transfer immediately to the transport medium vials and close the lid.

    4. You can store the collected samples in -20℃ for a week or -80℃ till laboratory analysis.

    5. There should be short codes and neat labeling on the collected sample vials. Do not write patient name or any lengthy codes on the vials.

    6. Cover the labeling with transparent cello tape so that it should not get erased while transportation or during laboratory decontamination process.

    7. Seal the caps of the vials properly with sealing tape/parafilm to avoid leakage.

    8. On a small piece of paper mention the number of samples being sent, their codes, your contact number and email id with every batch of samples.

    9. Pack all the materials in a proper box/container to avoid damage to vials during transportation.

    10. Send the samples preferably by ' DTDC or Blue Dart courier '. Please do not send the parcel by ' Professional couriers '.